Virtual Reality Installation 2019/2020

The VR installation Flexible Schedule is shaped like a ‘co-working’ office, where you could book a place.
The original was specially made for Atelier Nord’s office.
What you see in VR is built with computer game graphics including a short day / night cycle and proximity coding where the objects change plasticity when you get close to them.
It consists of a double tactile reality and deals with how we must adapt to structures and objects in order to be optimal and efficient.
With Flexible Schedule, I am exploring how the sensory apparatus can receive input from a virtual and physical space simultaneously. I am also interested in how the body is subjugated by economic power structures using language that praises flexibility.

Flexibility Definition
- The quality of bending easily without breaking.
Metal, silicone, fake leather, carpet 3×4 m
Soundtrack 7 min
Virtual room that overlaps sculptures and the rest of the office.
Instruction narrator-voice on headphones.
Objects that respond to movement.
Day / night cycle of approx. 2 minutes.
Printing with voice-over script and credits in the form of ‘office memo’.
The VR installation Flexible Schedule is shaped like a ‘co-working’ office, where you could book a place.

Flexibility and agility definitions 1.1 and 1.2 are cited from Oxford Online Dictionary
Flexibility definition 2 is sited from Keywords, The New Language of Capitalism (2018) by John Patrick Leary, Haymarket books, page 95.
All other text by Maren Dagny Juell.
Flexible Schedule is a Virtual Reality installation.
Technical development Unreal Engine: Richard Cawte
Welding: Joel Correria
Chair upholstery: Simen Brekke
Everything else by Maren Dagny Juell, 2019
Supported by Kulturrådet and Fond for lyd og bilde.